What’s your dream?

And what's stopping you from going after it?

One of my biggest dreams has always been to become an author.

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve dreamed of one day holding a book of my own in my hands. In 2022, I decided it was time to turn this dream into reality. I gathered all the poems I had written in Albanian over the past decade and set out to create a book. Easier said than done.

I had no idea how publishing worked, what kind of storyline I wanted to convey, how the cover design should look, or even if my poems were good enough to be published.

This is the phase where most people with dreams stop. Translating ideas into action is often the hardest part.

Luckily, I found a mentor who guided me through the process and gave me the confidence I needed to keep going. I reached out to my communications professor from my bachelor’s degree (who also writes poetry) and sent him a rough draft of my poems. They were far from polished, but he went through each one, leaving comments and sharing his thoughts. Overall, he told me they were good material to be published.

As someone without a literature background (I studied business and computer science), his validation meant the world to me. From that moment on, I knew there was no turning back.

That didn’t mean self-doubt disappeared entirely, though. It took me two years of editing to finally publish my book. A big part of the delay was me “not feeling ready.” I fell into the trap of perfectionism, overthinking every little detail.

I must have edited my book 50 times. I spent months deciding on a cover design, torn between four options. I removed and added back poems over and over, only to realize I was just afraid to put my work out into the world.

This is the second phase where people often give up on their dreams. They have everything ready but are too scared to share it. Self-doubt creeps in, or they worry about what others might think. At least, that’s what happened to me.

You have to understand—these poems are pieces of my soul. Publishing them meant making myself vulnerable in a way I hadn’t before.

I shared a first draft of my book with friends, and when I saw their reactions—some even tearing up as they read the poems—I knew I had to let go and publish it. And that’s exactly what I did.

Now, looking back, I realize it was never just about the book. It was about me overcoming the fear of creating something entirely my own and learning throughout the process. After all, the book belongs to the readers now. I’ve been surprised to meet readers who relate deeply to the poems, each with a different favorite—sometimes even one I had almost left out.

In the end, I’m so glad I pushed through my perfectionism and self-doubt to create my poetry book, Copëzat. Holding something in my hands that was once just an idea in my mind is a unique kind of fulfillment.

So, to all the dreamers out there, I encourage you to dare to turn your dreams into reality. You truly can create your wildest dreams in this world, and I find that absolutely magical.

Give yourself a chance. I believe in you.

Copëzat is now available at TiranaBook and Tirana Times bookstores in Tirana, Albania.

You can also find the ebook version here.

If you’d like me to ship it outside of Albania, please fill out this survey.

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